Ronald Haider, BSc
- born 26.11.1981 in Melk
- relationship with Claudia, 2 children (Lena and Emil)
- living in Schruns
Education and training:
- University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten, Physiotherapy 2011 – 2014
- Internships:
- State Hospital, Krems
- Rehabilitation Clinic, Montafon
- Nursing and Aged Care Center, Scheibbs (Lower Austria)
- State Hospital, Melk
- Sports physiotherapy, ESP
- Shoulder rehabilitation, ESP
- Therapeutic climbing “therac
- Mulligan Concept
- FDM Fasziendistorsionsmodell after Typaldos
- Treatment strategies for chronic back pain
- K-Taping
- Rehape Sling Trainer
- Cruciate ligament rehabilitation “update”
- Athletic training, SPOT
- Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy (MDT), McKenzie
Place of work:
- Xella Porenbeton, Operating tecnician 2004 - 2011
- Rehabilitation Clinic Montafon, Physiotherapeut 2014 - 2019
- Physiotherapist since june 2019