Regular massage increases body-awareness and it is precisely during times when we are NOT suffering from problems that massage teaches the body how well it can feel.
“Be friendly to your body, so your soul will want to live in it“
Teresa of Avila
What are the applications for massage therapy?
Classical massage:
- Muscle tension
- Pain in the muscular regions and in the case of soft tissue rheumatism
- Connective tissue adhesions and inelastic scar tissue (eg after surgery)
Reflexology therapy:
- Disruption in the function of the internal organs (eg bowel function)
- Circulation problems (eg vascular disease)
Lymph drainage:
- Lymphedema and joint effusion after accidents or surgery
- Rheumatic joint disease
How does massage therapy work?
Massage has several positive effects and impacts on people, which can be used therapeutically.
- Mechanical effects
- Neurophysiological effects
- Psychological effects